It also introduces the method to settle the transfer problem of the polarization state using the transfer function when polarized light passes through retardation sheet. 介绍了描述光波偏振态的复平面法,提出了在复平面上利用偏振传递函数解决偏振光通过延迟器件的偏振态变换问题。
The optical systems of ray optics and light polarization state transfer are simulated by personal computer with matrix optical method. 提出了一种利用光学参考棒,基于单位四元数法的灵活、有效的立体视觉测量系统现场校准技术。
Elemental groups of CH, CH2 and CH, can be obtained from C-NMR spectra with the method of distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer ( DEPT). Multiplicities of C-spectra from some petroleum products were determined with the method. 使用无失真极化转移增强技术(DEPT)可获得13C&NMR谱中CH,CH2和CH3各基团子谱,应用此法测定了若干石油样品C谱线的多重性。
Polarization transfer matrices are used for analysing dual-mode ferrite devices frequently. 分析双模铁氧体器件时常用到极化变换矩阵。
We show that measuring the polarization of hyperon in the lepton induced reactions is an ideal way to study the spin transfer in high energy hadronization processes. 指出在轻子诱发反应中测量产生超子的极化是研究高能强子化过程自旋转移的理想途径。
However, the creation energy of polaron in the ferromagnetic metal was lower than that in ferromagnetic CMR/ conjugated polymer system, which made it possible the spin polarization transfer in conjugated polymers. 然而在铁磁CMR材料/聚合物系统中极化子的产生能低于聚合物中极化子的产生能,增加了有机物中自旋极化输运的可能性。
At present, contributions to hyperon polarization derived from hadron decay have been argued, but in this argument decay polarization transfer factor is assumed as a constant usually. 目前已有文献讨论过强子衰变过程对超子极化的影响,但这些文献中通常将衰变过程的极化转移因子取为一个常数。
The fluorescence polarization spectra were used to study the interaction between different chromophores and their functions and orientations in energy transfer. 通过荧光激发偏振光谱研究了四种APC复合物及其单体内各色团间的相互关系及其在能量传递中的取向和功能。
Denoting the polarization difference, a polarization index ( PI) of microwave radiance from the terrain surface is derived from the radiative transfer model. 用辐射传输理论提出的地表微波辐射极化指数PI的定义,分别指出了土壤湿度、地面粗糙、植被层和大气层的各自影响。
Polarization detection of spectral holes is a new method for photon-gated photochemical hole burning by donor-acceptor electron transfer. 在光子选通给体-受体电子转移光谱烧孔的实验基础上,新采用了偏振方法探测烧出的孔,使孔的检测灵敏度和信噪比均得到了大幅度的提高。
A new all optical polarization controller is introduced, which can transfer a random polarization at the output of fiber to the stable definite polarization. 提出了一种全光学偏振控制器,它能够将光纤输出的随机偏振光变为稳定的具有确定偏振态的光信号。
In our experiment, we use a low temperature heater to fuse the coupling section, the first polarization modulation waist point ( PMWP) in the power transfer curve monitored with unpolarized 1312 nm laser light is taken as the stopping point in the coupler drawing process. 实验中,我们用一个低温热源加热耦合段,并采用圆偏振1312nm激光源作为监测源,在功率转换曲线上第一个偏振调制点处停止熔拉操作。
Application of polarization transfer technique inept, dept and quaternary carbon pulse sequence in~ ( 13) cnmr determination 极化转移INEPT与DEPT以及季碳脉冲序列等方法在~(13)CNMR测定中的应用
The Ultrasonic could remarkably enhance the removal effect of the organics in the treatment, which could be explained that ultrasonic might destruct the electrode surface polarization, promot the transfer process, and prevent the anode deposition in electrocoagulation with ultrasonic. 超声波提高电凝聚法去除水中有机物的效率,其机理主要是超声破坏了电极表面的极化,强化了电凝聚中的传质过程,有助于防止极板结垢。
Application of Distortion Enhancement by Polarization Transfer Technique on the Ac-80 PFT-NMR Spectrometer 无畸变极化转移增强技术(DEPT)在Ac-80核磁共振仪中的应用
A lossless polarization transfer matrix is a unitary matrix, and reciprocal forward and backward polarization transfer matrices are transposed each other. 无损耗时极化变换矩阵为酉矩阵;互易时,正、反向极化变换矩阵互为转置。
Distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer~ ( 13) C-NMR ~(13)C-NMR的无畸变的极化转移增强法DEPT
The new technique on insensitive NMR signal enhancement by polarization transfer 极化转移增强不灵敏核的核磁共振信号新技术
The relation between two parameters of reflective amplitude coefficient ratio of two polarization lights ( p wave and s wave) and other factors is investigated with Optic Transfer Matrix Method and numerical value simulation calculation in one-dimension photonic crystal. 运用光学传输矩阵法,通过数值模拟计算,研究了一维光子晶体中两偏振光(p波和s波)反射振幅系数比的两个参数与其它因素的关系。
Enhancement of molecular NMR signal induced by polarization transfer from laser-polarized~ ( 129) Xe ~(129)Xe核自旋极化转移增强分子的核磁共振信号
In this paper, the transfer matrix of circular polarization phase shifter is derived through coupled wave theory, transfer characteristics of elliptically polarized wave, circularly polarized wave, linear polarized wave are considered. 根据铁氧体耦合波理论推导出圆极化移相器对任意极化电磁波的传输矩阵,在此基础上研究了椭圆极化波、线极化波、圆极化波在移相器内的传输特性。
Statistical characteristics of second order polarization mode dispersion ( 2 nd PMD) are investigated by Jones Transfer Matrix method. 利用琼斯传输矩阵法研究了二阶偏振模色散的统计特性。
The assignment of the peaks was carried out with the aid of Selective Insensitive Nuclear Enhanced by Polarization Transfer technique ( SELINEPT). 借助于选择性非灵敏核极化转移增强法(SELINEPT)完成了谱带归属。
A theoretical investigation is undertaken to study polarization properties in one-dimensional photonic bandgap materials by transfer matrix method. 利用传输矩阵法探讨一维光子晶体中两种不同的偏振模式的特性。
The efficient thickness, which is defined as the electrode thickness corresponding to the minimum electrode polarization resistance, is formulated as a function of charge transfer resistivity, effective resistivity to ion and electron transport, and three-phase boundary length per unit volume. 电极的有效厚度对应于电极性能最优时电极的理论厚度,经过模型计算表明此厚度同时为电荷转移电阻率、有效离子(电子)电阻率以及单位体积内三相线长度的函数。
In the membrane separation process, the existence of concentration polarization phenomenon has a great influence on the mass transfer. 在膜分离过程中,浓差极化现象的存在极大地影响了传质效率。
The EIS behaviors were different which obtained at various polarization potentials. The capacitance semi-circles with negative differential resistance transfer from the first quadrant to the second quadrant had been observed which marked the nature of passivation. 不同极化电极电位下的电化学阻抗行为不同,EIS图谱观察到的由第一象限向第二象限转移且具有负电阻的容抗弧,标志着钝化的本质。
The algorithm of soil moisture is modified to analyze the surface vegetation cover condition by using MPDI ( microwave polarization difference index), and the vegetation opacity is calculated. Based on the estimation of soil roughness, the radiactive transfer equation is solved. 主要目的是改进目前星载微波辐射计AMSR-E的土壤湿度算法,利用微波极化指数对地表植被覆盖状况进行分析,并计算植被光学厚度,在地表粗糙度进行标定的基础上求解辐射传输方程。
The reason is that the polarization of droplets and radical transfer from water phase to droplets intrigue a kind of mechanism similar to emulsion polymerization. The mechanism weakens the advantages of polarization of droplets and process intensification, too. 其原因主要是液滴分布的两极化以及水相自由基传递激发了类似乳液聚合的一种聚合机理,而这种聚合机理弱化了液滴两极分化的优势,进而弱化了其强化作用。